Monday, April 7, 2008

Financial Advisor: Financial Freedom Mini Series

Financial Freedom Mini Series

After reading my last post about Personal Financial Advisors some of you might be asking yourself where you fit in in regards to having a personal financial advisor. Some of you might be thinking that having a personal financial advisor is simply not for you and that you can personally handle your own personal finances. If that is you then this lesson series will be just for you.

A personal financial advisor is not right for all of us and if not then we must each take the time to educate ourselves about the key concepts of personal finances. In doing this we can be reasonably assured that we will be able to make good financial decisions and in turn eventually reach our goal of financial freedom.

The upcoming series is by no means considered to be fully detailed or your only source of information. If you are interested in more details about personal finances I would suggest finding a book by Dave Ramsey. I will admit, he is a bit extreme in how conservative his approach to personal finances is but with the American Epidemic today maybe he is right on.

Americans now have a negative savings rate on average, this means as a whole Americans spend more than they make (kind of like our wonderful government). This means we are on average operating on a budget deficit in regards to our personal finances and are adding more and more credit card debt each day.

There is obviously some point of disconnect here because Americans are just not getting it. American is not like most other countries where people are more financially responsible and have high savings rates.

My goal with this lesson series is to give you all some basic, general, surefire tips to help you on your journey to FINANCIAL FREEDOM! The inability to succeed in achieving financial freedom is a epidemic among middle class Americans. Middle class Americans have had their faces stuffed with so many advertisements that it is tough to be prudent and live within your financial means. Americans are so caught up in the here an now that they are simply not able to look toward the future and future personal finance goals.

In this series I plan to cover each of the following topics in great detail and relate them to how you can be successful in achieving financial freedom. This series is intended to be a personal finance training lesson that should allow you to succeed in your own personal finance management.

1) Personal Finance Budgeting
2) Living Within Your Means
3) Savings - Savings Calculator
3) Credit Cards - Debt
4) Home Loans
5) Car Loans
5) Investing
6) Future Planning

This is just a basic outline of some of the key topics related to Personal Finances. My goal in writing this is to help at least a few people with their financial planning because I know there are people out there that want to be financially responsible but just don't know how.

As I move through the lessons I expect some things to change and other topics about personal finances to be added. I hope that this can be morphed into whatever my readers want to see me write about and whatever they want financial advice about. After all I am here to serve my readers, not myself.

If you have any questions about personal finance, how to achieve financial freedom, or any financial topics you would like me to cover please don't hesitate to email me at

How to achieve Financial Freedom: Summary of Lessons 1-6

Financial Freedom Mini Series: Lesson 1

Freedom Mini Series: Lesson 2 - Part 1


Anonymous said...

so helpful, I've started keeping a budget this past fall. i've not had major money issues, but realized that i could do more the manage it more carefully. i'll be reading your blog as you post in the hopes of getting better at this. thanks!

Jesse said...

What up Sis? How do you like my blog? My plan is to possibly make some money off of this blog through google advertising and also give me some good practical information.

I have been studying how to get ranked high on the search engines to get traffic to my website and am experimenting.

Hope things are well with you.