Sunday, May 4, 2008

Financial Advisor Dave Ramsey Website Coupon Codes - Total Money Makeover

Financial Advisor Dave Ramsey Coupon Code

I cannot guarantee that any of these coupons work anymore. Some might be outdated or only available to certain individuals.

In my last post I talked about Financial Advisor Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps to financial peace. I went over all seven of his financial advising baby steps and gave a short explanation for each them. Dave Ramsey is a Christian Debt Consolidation expert who bases all of his teachings on biblical principles.

I think that the information financial advisor Dave Ramsey gives out in very good and it can be used by all people to better their personal finances situation. For those of you that agree with me I have included a list of some coupon codes I have found for some of the his products.

The codes listed below are for discounts to his financial advising book "The Total Money Makeover" and his financial advising website "My Total Money Makeover". I am working on finding a coupon code for his financial advising Financial Peace University (FPU) online course but have yet to find one out there.

If you would like to find out more about financial advisor Dave Ramsey before considering some his products you can read my last post on his 7 Baby Steps to Financial Peace. I would also suggest listening to the Dave Ramsey Radio Show a few times so that you can get a better feel for his ideas and see if he is the right person for you. You can also check out the his financial advising website to find out more information.

Financial Advisor Dave Ramsey Products Coupon Codes:

1) Coupon Code: 2CDBP09

Join financial advisor Dave Ramsey's "My Total Money Makeover" online course website and get his "Total Money Makeover" book for free and 2 DVDS on "Dumping Debt & Cash Flow Planning"

Join financial advisor Dave Ramsey's My Total Money Makeover website here.

2) Coupon Code: 2VHBP09

Join financial advisor Dave Ramsey's "My Total Money Makeover" online course website and get his "Total Money Makeover" book for free and 2 VHS Videos on "Dumping Debt & Cash Flow Planning"

Join financial advisor Dave Ramsey's My Total Money Makeover website here.

3) Coupon Code: davefan1011

Get 10% off tickets to the his financial advisor Live Event in Birmingham, Alabama. Order at his website.

4) Coupon Code: PL1

Save $13 on tickets to a financial advisor Dave Ramsey Live Event. Tickets are normally $35 but with this code you can get them for $22. Order at his financial advisor website.

I think that financial advisor Dave Ramsey would be right for anyone and everyone but clearly some people will not like him and be a Dave Ramsey Critic and come with some type of criticism. For these people it would be better to find someone else to give you the personal finances advice you are looking for.

If you are interested in listening to the financial advisor Dave Ramsey Show click here to see what station / stations he airs on in your local area.

I would suggest that each one of you check out the information that financial advisor Dave Ramsey has to offer and if you like it go ahead and get his Total Money Makeover book. Regardless, please find someone to help you with your personal finances and make a conscious choice today to begin your journey toward financial peace and financial freedom.


P.S. If you are looking for a financial advsior feel free to email you and I will give you a few suggests on good personal financial advising companies to consider.


Forrest Blogs said...

Most of those (if not all) codes are outdated and will not work.

Jesse said...

Thanks for letting me know Ben. I was going to do some more extensive research and see if these worked or not and also try really hard to find some that worked.

If a discount could entice someone to purchase Dave's products and in turn help them achieve financial peace it really be a great thing.

Anonymous said...

PL1 does not apply to the Dallas event 03/28/2009. However, "gunter" works. Here is the reference: